There is a lot of “haters” out there pontificating that everyone who pitches “how to sell tools to local business startup wannabes” are losers.
The reason they say people shoveling this stuff are losers is because people doing that make it look so easy, but then, when people try it, they fail.
Hmmm.. That seems to simply mimic REAL LIFE – most people fail at everything. Does not matter if it’s MLM, Internet marketing, social media, local biz marketing, etc… The common denominator is not the niche or method of the niche, it’s the PERSON behind the niche.
For example – there are two people in MLM – the one that does and the one that doesn’t. Which one is more successful? The one that does.
There are two people in local main street marketing businesses, the one that does and the one that doesn’t.
Just because people have been selling local main street marketing tools for a few years, does not make it bad.
Just because people have been selling home based businesses or MLM model businesses does not make it bad.
What makes it bad is not the tools or the methods people use.
What makes them bad is the people doing the work and fulfillment don’t have a clue what they are supposed to be doing.
People – Please don’t believe the hype. This stuff is serious business and you need to treat it as such.
Some gullible marketers think since they got a few sales doing marketing for themselves or for a ‘friend’ that they are instantly geniuses and that they can get a #1 ranking on Google within a few minutes of video blasting through Traffic Geyser, and ya… maybe they will get that coveted #1 ranking in Google, but guess what… it’ll be gone before the paint dries.
The bottom line is, there are infact MANY good and viable systems for growing main street marketing business, with systems that do produce favorable results for local business clients. But you need to know how these tools and systems work, and you have to do it again and again and again to really get it. It’s hard stuff.
Let’s face it, the truism here is that too many local business owners out there don’t have a clue what they are supposed to do to get a website, set up a blog, or set up a PPC campaign, and they are getting KILLED by Yellow Page salesmen that sell them $500 a month Yellow Page Ads, that they promise will get delivered to locals, but in many cases are SO DELAYED, are sitting on printer’s shelves months from hitting the consumer’s shelves and the fact that NO ONE even looks at the yellow pages anymore… well.. in my opinion, it’s a waste of money. That’s the real scam eh? Yeah, I do know a few people use yellow pages still, but it’s not the way to make your money work for you.
The other day I heard about a Limo driver who bought yellow page ads, but the yellow pages found in his local community were from 2008. Most of the local area businesses, did not even have the most recent version of the book on site – wow, buying ads in a book that no one sees…. amazing marketing strategy.
There are plenty of good ways to spend that money on online marketing services, with people who DO know what they are doing and who CAN get favorable results for clients.
And that leads me back to the HUMANS doing the work.
Would you agree, if you plugged into working viable systems and tools, that you could now go to a local business, using scripts, templates, sales literature and make a case for a local business hiring you to help them navigate the complex online waters?
You should say “YES! JEFF!” but it’s not that easy still. It takes time and practice.
The secret is that ONE PERSON cannot do all this work alone.
You must build a team.
You must hire employees or hire virtual assistants or have a staff of BOTH working hand in hand with each doing what they do best to create happy client experiences.
I am sick of people knocking the local business models, since they are “old and tired” ideas or “bandwagoning” business models because they are Hot right now – Shut up!
This is a huge business model and with the right coaching and the right tools, I honestly believe anyone who has the will and energy to succeed, and build a proper business that can grow and scale in this industry will be living the high life, seeing wealth and rewards come from their hard work.
But… whatever you do… don’t try to go this route alone.
You need mentors and coaching. You need specialized knowledge of the things that actually do work, and you need some luck and some good keywords that give you and your client a chance to penetrate those listings so you get traffic, which converts into sales.
The Bad SEO companies out there say, “Sure… I’ll get you top rankings for the keywords [Make money online] and [Home Based Business] … No problems!”
Then they take your money and the results never show up because it’s impossible to rank sites in those keywords right now, but the buyer was duped into believing it.
This is what gives our industry a bad name, companies with no ethics, who sell just to sell, knowing they won’t get a good result for the client, but they do it anyways.
So, don’t listen to the Pooh Pooh salesmen out there “hating” on local business models. All they are doing is bashing this bandwagon, so they can switch you to buy into their own services and bandwagons. Honestly, that’s all it is.
Everyone’s selling something, and through a lot of negative crap, people like to bash, and then switch you over into their way of living, trying to convince you their “products” are the best. I guess that’s marketing, even if it sucks.
So, with this little rant, let me just say this… the amount of business out there in the local communities are outstanding.This market is WIDE open, it truly is and I do believe you can get rich in the next 2-5 years doing this kinda stuff. But I also know… it’s not automated or easy.
If you’ve never worked for clients before… wow… they can be tough as nails and never are pleased with the results you’ve provided to them.
EVERYWHERE I go, I find new clients Offline who have great services, results and happy client experiences, but no idea how to get on the web to bring their products to the local masses.
Just the other day, one of my Chiropractor clients told me and showed me his new weight loss system which blew my mind. No one knows about it, but it helps people lose 3-7 inches a week and it’s never NOT worked, it just works.
But, he does not know how to tell people with blogs, videos, lead capture pages, he has no clue. So, I told him, I’d help get his story out there. I told him I’d do the work, the marketing, and the publicity to get people looking at what he has so they can achieve the health results they are looking for. It’s about a $15,000 contract.
This is a legitimate business model, run by very legit people who want to help people succeed and run profitable businesses online and offline.
The best place to start is not by attacking but by trying to learn to see how one can better themselves through self development and continuing education in the areas needed to get one to the ideal place where that specialized knowledge can come with a price that people will pay to access it.
That’s why Doctors and Lawyers make big bucks when they are specialists, they know how to create a result.
It’s no different with search engine optimizers, search engine marketers and home based business peddlers. If you are good at what you do, and you get results, you should be paid top dollar for it.
It does work, it can work for you, you just have to be willing to put in the work and time yourself to master skills and tools and then the fortunes will follow. You won’t get a half a million dollar deal overnight, but, over time, it could come in smaller chunks.
4 Figure deals lead to 5 figure deals. 6 Figure Deals lead to 7 figure deals. They are definitely out there. And while most people can live comfortably on the 4 figure monthly deals, the sky is the limit and we are still in the Wild Wild West of the internet goldmine where any and everything DOES happen, good and bad.
I am providing a way for people to prosper in the Offline to Online marketing channel/niche by providing a 3 day marketing conference to help people see and discover if offline to online marketing can be a profitable venture for them.
It’s called the Profit Offline Seminar, where 9 speakers will share from their experiences, hearts and knowledge to help you evaluate how this market might work for you. I hope you can attend the LIVE VIDEO stream we are offering to the world.
The information we are providing is worth $1000’s, and we’re not charging $1000’s to access it. We want it to be affordable for all.
I made a short 8 minute video on the site, which explains it all, in a nutshell, so you’ll know if attending our online video stream is something you would like to invest in or not. It’s up to you, and if you choose a different route, no worries, I wish you all the best anyways.
Ask youself, “is main street local business marketing for me? Am I willing to do the hard work and learning?”
If it is, join us and view the live video stream June 18-20.
WATCH THE 8 MINUTE VIDEO HERE about Profit Offline Seminar